I own what I do & I am responsible

Life Philosophy – Dhanesh Nair
This is the life philosophy I follow, inspired by the book Wings of Fire written by the great man India ever had seen, Dr. Apj Abdul Kalam.
I believe, Life is never simple but it is our ability to own what we have done in life, courage to stop if it is a mistake and fire to chase if we feel it is right even while fighting against the world. It is easy to blame others for our mistakes, but if we are not responsible for what we do, how will the world be?
All I have learned in this short life is to Share whatever I know, Help whatever possible way, and treat others the same way I wish to be treated.
I believe in the renaissance. It’s my view that when you prove yourselves out of adversities, is the time when the world acknowledges you.
Live life the way it is, plan your time and have a schedule always with you. This will keep reminding you about the pending challenges you have shelved off. Life is always challenging and you will always feel to quit the race. But when you realize that you have missed all the opportunities life had given to you, you will be nowhere.
 Grab the opportunities life had left to you. Rise like a phoenix!!