About Me

dhaneshnair.com > About Me

The Mindful Technologist

Dhanesh Kuttan Nair

I am Dhanesh Kuttan Nair, known as 'Dhanesh' to everyone except my friends in the United States, especially at Starbucks, who prefer to call me 'Dan' for convenience. I proudly embrace the title of 'The Mindful Technologist', fully immersing myself in the vast world of technology. While my expertise lies primarily in Solution Architecture, I have a deep passion for making technology accessible to all and actively strive to support and empower individuals. Currently, I hold the role of Assistant Director at a multinational company, but my ultimate dream is to become an entrepreneur (or as some may say, a Wannapeuneur?).

  • Married to a wonderful woman
  • Father of two little ones
  • 18 years in Tech Industry
  • Author and Photog!

My Story

I have an insatiable curiosity and continuously seek to expand my knowledge, particularly in areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, and more. I apologize if my technical jargon occasionally sneaks into conversations. However, it’s important to note that I also have a creative side that appreciates the finer aspects of life.

Let’s dive into who I am. I consider myself an Ambivert, someone who can effortlessly address a large audience but finds it challenging to establish one-on-one connections. However, I’ve recognized this hurdle and actively push myself to step out of my comfort zone and initiate conversations. If you happen to spot me nearby, a smile would be greatly appreciated. Rest assured, it’s not that I’m deliberately ignoring you. I may be pondering how to approach someone I know well and what their reaction might be, or simply lost in thought, engrossed in my favorite podcasts or semi-classical Indian music.

Indian movies hold a special place in my heart, especially thrillers, comedies of all kinds (from bromantic to slapstick), and motivational films. Similarly, I enjoy indulging in captivating series like “Prison Break” and “Game of Thrones.” My preference for the “Hangover” series over “Harry Potter” may not sit well with all the Potterheads out there, but we all have our unique tastes, don’t we?


Now, all these entertainment preferences come into play only when I have a moment to myself. When my adorable little ones, Aarav and Atharv, grant me some respite, I become their student as Aarav imparts his gaming wisdom on the PS5 while Atharv engages in playful squabbles. Meanwhile, my amazing wife, Ambily, serves as my inspiration and caretaker, impressing upon me her exceptional problem-solving skills honed in her managerial role at an Indian MNC. I haven’t encountered anyone as passionate about their work as she is. At times, I feel she’s the mother to all her subordinates, lending an ear to their concerns. However, this occasionally creates a void between the three of us troublemakers and her.

In the wake of the pandemic, I’ve found solace in sending our little ones off to school, as their constant sibling rivalry can be quite the challenge. It’s only now that I truly appreciate the struggles my Acha (Dad) and Amma (Mom) endured in raising the three of us.

Allow me to introduce my Achan, Mr. N. Kuttan Nair, who embodies the archetypal Asian Dad. While his presence may sometimes strike fear into the hearts of us children, I am certain that if I were to ask for a piece of the moon for my studies, he would move mountains to make it happen. Even after retiring from his roles as a postmaster, union leader, and political party leader, we anticipated he would finally have some free time. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. He is now busier than ever, serving as the District Leader of NSS, organizing events, and immersing himself in every neighborhood happening. It is no wonder that people admire him so much, even if we don’t always get to see him. His unwavering willingness to help others is truly remarkable, despite his declining health.

Next, let me introduce my Amma, R. Latha Kumari, or as I affectionately call her, Mummyo to Kumari. She is an absolute gem of a person who believes that we are the best the world could ever have. According to her, anyone who dares to challenge our happiness is simply a moron. It was always my dream to take both of my parents abroad, and I am proud to say that I fulfilled that dream not once, but twice, by bringing them to the United States.


And then we have Dhanya Nair, my beloved sister. She is the complete opposite of me, inheriting the chattiness and friendliness of our Dad. Her son, Adithya, is a true copycat, following her every move. As for my little brother, he used to be everything to me – my strength, my weakness, my protector. However, he is now residing in the United Kingdom. His love for me has only multiplied over the years, thanks to the addition of my sister-in-law, Chippi, and my sweet little nephew, Aayush.

Family with Little Brother and Sister in Law
My Little Bunnies

In addition to my other passions, photography holds a special place in my heart. You can find my visual creations on my Instagram handles @dhaneshknair. Another form of expression I thoroughly enjoy is writing. I pour my thoughts onto paper, which I consider my own form of literature. These writings take shape as blogs, articles, stories, and have garnered a following of their own.

Life has presented its fair share of challenges, but my unwavering determination has allowed me to face adversity head-on and persevere. Throughout my journey, I have been fortunate to have various mentors play pivotal roles in different phases of my life. They have imparted valuable life lessons, teaching me to align my expectations and overcome obstacles. I have also found solace and inspiration in the works of admirable authors and podcasters, who have helped me navigate my own struggles.

Although some scars may still be healing and certain battles are ongoing, I am content with what I have achieved thus far and remain committed to my future aspirations. With the support and care of individuals like yourself, I am confident in my ability to make progress and fulfill my dream of aiding those who are facing their own hardships. Whether through technology or sharing personal insights that have helped me overcome obstacles, I am eager to bring these experiences to life through my podcasts titled ‘Tech, Talk, and Tales’. I hope these episodes resonate with you. Feel free to explore my blogs and let me know if you would like to see more articles on specific topics or if there are any subjects you wish to delve deeper into.